Thursday, February 11, 2010

When will 'WE' learn to PROTEST!!!

I am angry, very angry today !!! Angry because today my right to freedom to make my own choices - legal choices has been threatened by a set of senseless, uneducated gundas, who think, with their muscle power they can squash me, my aspirations, my likes....

I understand the reason to an extent, today they are able to push me into this corner because - every time they raised their nasty heads and arms on different occasions in the past - I whimpered into a dingy corner, scared for my own safety and for the safety of the ones I love! That one act of submission made them think they were Gods, who could dictate their terms on me - terms which sound so illogical to my logical and sound mind.

Simple joys of life like going pubbing with my friends or proclaiming my love to someone or something as simple as watching a movie - which I thought were my personal choices - are not mine any more. From watching a match between India-Pakistan or India & Australia (considered divine for any cricket lover) or watching movies like Fire and MNIK is not within my control.

There are political goons out there on the streets of India who will now decide how, when and if I can enjoy these simple pleasures of life.
These are the same people who are out to divide this land which professes 'unity in diversity' on the basis of language, culture, religion and other things they can creatively think of.

Do they actually think I am of such low intellect that I cannot make my own choices and need their threats to decide for me???

Have you ever heard these guys protesting against things that really matter to us - the bad infrastructure, rising prices, security, farmer suicides etc.??? No, they only go after celebrity issues and those that affect the choices of the common man. It is this what irks me.... at the end of the day - either ways its us the common people who suffer.

I am angry with myself and with all others like me who chose to stay quiet as these minor incidents were not making any direct impact on our lives. Thinking -"Why call upon the wrath of such uncultured goons, who probably don't know their A from B". But I have realized, every time I choose to stay quiet, I make them more powerful! Yesterday it was about being a woman going to a pub, today its about going to a movie and tomorrow they will find something more important to me, which may not fit their ideology - as appropriate.

I don't feel these guys are any different from the terrorists who attacked mumbai on 26/ least it was some select locations and we had the army and the NSG commandos to rescue the victims.....I don't see any help coming while these goons hold to ransom the people of an entire state......

Here also its my personal security at stake, may not be guns and bombs but something worse.... 'fear' which is fast becoming my way of life ........

I wish, our leaders had more spine, I wish they had more constructive ways of protest, I hope they thought of us before their own personal agendas before they decided to go public.

I am sure, many people like me who just want to go about with their lives are angered by such events, but prefer to stay quiet.........the question is for how long??? Today you won't raise your voice...because its not affecting you....tomorrow, there will be no one beside you, when it will start affecting you. I have decided to voice my concerns....not sure, where it will lead, but I want all to angers me to be pushed into a corner, in my own home...because some idiot thought it was funny!!!