Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama brings hope......

For the first time in my life, post Barrack Obama's election to the top most job in the world, I felt Americans are lucky. For the first time in my life, I wanted to go and live in the USA for a couple of years and experience the change Obama has promised the Americans and the world at large. For the first time, I am interested in knowing more about American president's policies and his way forward. For various reasons, like hundreds and thousands of Americans I feel, Obama can bring in the change we all have been hoping and waiting for. Not because he is a black president of a majority white country, not because he managed to unite a country divided over race and colour for centuries but because he is intelligent, he is a thinker, he is well educated and is qualified to hold the office, he was rightly elected to. The fact that he is black, only adds to his impeccable resume. He has seen, how it feels to be an underdog in your own country, what it means to be differentiated basis your colour than your caliber, his background makes him more humane.
Also, his election gives me hope that maybe, maybe we Indians would also be able to rise above the politics of caste, creed, religion, region etc. and cast a vote for change. Change in the way we are governed, change in the way we function, change in the way we think, change in the way we nurture our future generations. Maybe, we will vote for people who are educated and qualified to hold the most important posts in the country, rather than vote for candidates because they belong to a certain cast or family.
It was not just the incumbency factor of the Bush government and its failure to deal with the financial crisis which hit America, that helped in Obama's victory, but it was his genuineness which made him the ray of hope in such times of despair.
If only the Indian political system allowed genuine people to come up and lead the nation without getting entangled in partisan politics, we might have had better leaders and a more promising future.
"The Alchemist" A book by Paulo Coelho says, "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream".
On this day, I wish and desire for change in my country. A change like America dared to usher in, a change which gives me hope for a better India, young and rational in its thoughts and honest in its efforts.

Change we can.........